Massage Therapy Canada

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Business and growth in 2013

The “bottom line” is on everyone’s minds, these days, as we Canadians hopefully continue to pull out of the global recession.

April 10, 2013  By Treena Hein

The “bottom line” is on everyone’s minds, these days, as we Canadians hopefully continue to pull out of the global recession. While the Canadian public needs massage therapy and all its benefits more than ever, during tough economic times, they are careful with their dollars. And although the value of massage is becoming increasingly recognized in managing and treating many conditions – stress relief of course among them – massage therapists must continue to market their services, and ensure their business practices are optimal as well.

While Massage Therapy Canada continues to offer you important business-related articles in each edition, in this issue we’ve put together a special supplement of business-related articles on a variety of critical topics.

Lior Samfiru and Chuck Tahirali of Samfiru Tumarkin law firm provide an in-depth look at why determining the therapist-clinic legal relationship is so important – and how to do it. If you aren’t careful about nailing this down, you leave yourself open to the possibility of costly mistakes.

Semi-retired commercial real estate/business appraiser and financial analyst Lloyd Manning explains how a practice valuation is conducted; this article will be of interest to those of you who are thinking of selling your practice for whatever reason – now, soon or far in the future.


Donna Micallef, the co-owner of one of Canada’s most successful massage therapy product businesses, shares the lessons she and her business partner have learned over the years, and also presents her ideas on the keys to financial success for massage therapists.

Timothy Feher, the creative director at Blue Bear Media and Mission to Vision Communications, examines how the business plan is critical as your road map to successful business development. Feher is frequently called into organizations large and small to assist with development issues and he’s continually surprised at how many are suffering because they don’t have the strategic focus of a current or comprehensive business plan. Don’t let your business be without it.

We hope you enjoy these articles – and most importantly, we hope you learn something valuable. We look forward to your feedback as well.


Associate editor,
Treena Hein

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