Massage Therapy Canada

Features Practice Technique
Back care expert offers strategies for managing back pain patients

University of Waterlook professor emeritus of spine biomechanics and evidence-based back care expert Stuart McGill will be hosting a webinar entitled, Working with the Back-Pained Patient, on Sept. 13 at 12 noon.

August 15, 2017  By Mari-Len De

This one-hour webinar will describe an evidence-based process of interpreting patient history followed by “pain provocation” assessment to isolate the mechanism that causes back pain. Eliminating the pain-causing mechanism is the first step. Exercise prescription is the second step, based on the assessment, and involves a blend of strategic mobility and stability. These variables together with movement patterns assist in winding down pain sensitivity. Then, the program shifts to build the foundation for a pain-free body using the “knowledge of mechanism.”

Designed for chiropractors and massage therapists, this lecture will equip these clinicians with evidence-based knowledge to better assist the back pain client.

“Given the number of clinicians I see as patients, the information will also be helpful to extend their working careers,” McGill said.


Author of the book, Back Mechanic, McGill’s advice is often sough by governments, corporations, legal experts and elite athletes and teams from around the world. Difficult back cases are regularly referred to him for consultation.

Register for the webinar here.

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